to Mar 24



Purim is a Jewish holiday known as "days of feasting and gladness." Purim is celebrated in Remembrance of the survival of the Jews who were marked for death by their Persian rulers. It a Remembrance of how God and His infinite Wisdom, Grace, Mercy and love saved His people. God used Esther to save His people. It commemorates the trust Esther had in God. Purim commemorates the courage and actions of Esther which put a complete halt to the extermination of the Jews. We pray that you enjoy this Festival and Powerful time of Remembrance as much as we do! And as Always, God Bless you, God Keep you and Cause His Light to Ever Shine upon you and give you Peace!



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to Dec 15



Hanukkah is a season of rededication back to our Heavenly Father. Hanukkah is also known as the Festival of Lights and The Feast of Dedication. We Rededicate, Recommit, Reflect, Renew, Restore and we are Replenished, Revived, Rekindled, and Recrowned.

During Hanukkah

We have games and gift exchanges wrapped in Blue. There are special Prayers that we say during Hanukkah. To learn more about Hanukkah, please click HERE to watch a quick and wonderful Video! We pray that you enjoy this Beautiful Festival and Holy Time of The Lord as much as we do! And as Always, God Bless you, God Keep you and Cause His Light to Ever Shine upon you and give you Peace!



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to Oct 6



During Sukkot we dwell in Sukkah as a way of Remembrance and Celebration of the Protection and Shelter that God provided our Ancestors as they left Egypt for The Promise Land. Sukkot is a time of Celebration, happiness and joy.

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to Sep 25

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur

Yom Kippur is known as The Holiest Day of the year in which man is closest to The Father and the essence of our own souls. Yom Kippur is such a Beautiful time of year, it is when we lay aside all our problems and pray for others. We Pray for those less fortunate than us.  We pray for the sick, broken, lost, lonely, poor, the widow, the fatherless, and the prisoners. We pray for those who may be struggling in different avenues of life, whether it be, mentally, physically, emotionally, or spiritually, we remember them in Prayer.  

We partake in this Holy Day that the Blessings of Leviticus 16:30 may be ours, “Because on this day Atonement will be made for you, cleanse you. Then, before The Lord, you will be clean from all your sins.” (Leviticus 16:30 NIV) Amen! Thank you, Heavenly Father, Blessed be Your Holy Name! We pray that you enjoy this Beautiful Festival and Holy Time of The Lord as much as we do! And as Always, God Bless you, God Keep you and Cause His Light to Ever Shine upon you and give you Peace!



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to Sep 17

Rosh Hashanah

Rash Hashanah

Rash Hashanah is the Season of Repentance.  During Rosh Hashanah we pour out and confess the things we have done wrong, and we repent to The Father as we listen to the Shofar Horn.  The Word Repent means to stop, so we are to stop doing the things we are Repenting for.  We also eat Challah Bread and Apples dipped in honey along with other delicious meals. Thank you, Heavenly Father, Blessed be Your Holy Name! We pray that you enjoy this Beautiful Festival and Holy Time of The Lord as much as we do! And as Always, God Bless you, God Keep you and Cause His Light to Ever Shine upon you and give you Peace!



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2:54 PM14:54

New Moon

2 Chronicles 8:13

13 He followed the daily requirement for offerings according to the commandment of Moses for Sabbaths, New Moons, and the three annual appointed festivals: the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the Festival of Weeks, and the Festival of Booths.


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7:52 PM19:52

New Moon

2 Chronicles 2:4

Behold, I am about to build a house for the name of the Lord my God, dedicating it to Him, to burn fragrant incense before Him and to set out the showbread continually, and to offer burnt offerings morning and evening, on Sabbaths, on New Moons, and on the appointed Feasts of The Lord our God. This is to be done in Israel forever.


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to Apr 19

New Videos Coming Soon!

Shalome and Greetings in The Name of our Heavenly Father.
We will be returning soon with new videos. Because of the Hight of our Elevation, we are preparing to present. The Might of God, The Power of God, and The Kingdom of God in the Beautify that we have received it. Brace yourself for a 1 Hour Experience of Glory. Coming soon is another 81 videos.  However, rest assured that what you heard already, were just drops from the sincere milk.  Your steak and potatoes will be in the campaign to come in 2022. So feel free to like and subscribe while we roll the boat ashore.  Ameeeen! 

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