The Remnant Bible School Church


The Remnant Bible School Church ~

Youth Sunday School

Welcome to The Remnant Bible School Church Youth Sunday School online Class.



Our class is every Sunday between the hours of 10am and 12pm MST.




10am -12pm MST


Online Via Microsoft Teams


Via Microsoft Teams! Youth will need access to Microsoft Teams to join class as all our classes are done online via Microsoft Teams. The Microsoft Teams App can be downloaded onto a Tablet, iPhone, Android, Laptop, or Desk Top Computer.

Time to Study!

We study The Torah, New and Old Testament, Genealogy, basic Hebrew (in worship context only). We Study The Wisdoms from The Book of Proverbs and Prayers and Songs from the Book of Psalms. We learn about our Heavenly Father The Most High God and about the Life of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus The Messiah) and so much more!


Sign Up!

We look forward to seeing you in class!